INSLA E-Proceedings
<p>International Seminar on Syariah and Law (INSLA) has been held by the Faculty of Syariah and Law (FSU), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) since 2010. To enhance its visibility and be globally recognised, INSLA E-Proceedings (compilation of the seminar papers) are now available online through this OJS publication system. INSLA E-Proceedings also publishes compilations of academic papers with special themes.</p> <p>يُعقد المؤتمر العالمي في الشريعة والقانون من قِبل كلية الشريعة والقانون، جامعة العلوم الإسلامية الماليزية منذ عام 2010 م لأجل تعزيز ظهورها والاعتراف بها عالميًا. ومجموعة مقالات المؤتمر متوفرة حاليا للمشاركين والقراء عبر الإنترنت من خلال نظام نشر المجلات المفتوحة. وسيتمّ نشر مجموعات الأوراق الأكاديمية ذات الموضوعات الخاصة كذلك في هذا الموقع</p> <p>Indexed by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a></p> <p>Listed in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Publons (Clarivate Analytics)</a></p>Faculty of Syariah and Law, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysiaen-USINSLA E-Proceedings2735-1742PERANAN MAJLIS AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI JOHOR SEMASA PERINTAH KAWALAN PERGERAKAN (PKP) AKIBAT PANDEMIK COVID-19
<p>Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor (MAIJ) telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1925 di bawah kuatkuasa Bahagian IV, Bab XV, Lembaga Aturan Bagi Pemerintahan Raja. Terdapat fungsi awal dan fungsi utama bagi MAIJ. Fungsi awal MAIJ ialah menguruskan hal ehwal agama, memberi khidmat nasihat mengenai adat istiadat Raja, memberi pelajaran / pendidikan kepada kerabat Di Raja dan menguruskan kebajikan masyarakat Islam. Manakala, fungsi utamanya ialah menguruskan dan mentadbir Kumpulan Wang Zakat & Fitrah dan mengagihkan mengikut asnaf, mengurus dan mentadbir Kumpulan Wang / Harta Baitulmal<br />dan Kumpulan Wang Wakaf sebagai Pemegang Amanah Wakaf. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis-jenis bantuan dan sumbangan Covid-19 sepanjang Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) 18 Mac 2020 hingga 31 Mac 2020 yang dianjurkan oleh Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitif dengan reka bentuk analisis kandungan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor memberi bantuan kepada orang yang memerlukan dengan jumlah yang ditetapkan beserta jumlah penerima supaya selaras dengan belanjawan. Kajian ini menyenaraikan jenis sumbangan beserta jumlah wang bantuan sebagai rujukan untuk penerima sepanjang tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP)</p>Nur Zainatul Nadra ZainolMustapahayuddin Abd KhalimWan Ainaa Mardhiah Wan ZahariAzlan Kuangit Abdullah
Copyright (c) 2021 INSLA E-Proceedings
<p>When it comes to child custody, the predominant standard practised by Malaysian Shariah Courts has always been the best interest of the child. Aside from specific conditions, the custodianship is often granted to the mother. The non-custodial parent, often being the father, is generally given visitation and overnight rights by the court while carrying the duty for child maintenance despite his limited rights. With the global outbreak of Covid-19, family institutions are greatly affected physically, mentally, and financially. The untimely separation of children from their parents under child custody cases raises the question of whether these children's rights are rightfully attended to or not. According to UNICEF, among the children who are profoundly affected by Covid-19 are single-parent children and female-headed households. The situation becomes dire as the consequences of Covid-19 continue to influence the care and child maintenance of a divorcee's child. Hence, this article aims to propose shared parenting as an alternative to ensure child's rights are cared for considering Shariah Courts have no explicit jurisdiction to order for joint custody. Through a doctrinal approach and library research, this article examines the concepts of shared parenting as an 'evolution' to joint custody. The article also discusses prospective benefits and challenges of implementing the idea of shared parenting in Shariah Courts. In conclusion, emphasis on the significance of shared parenting is highlighted as the best and fair solution to attain the best interests of a child at the same time promoting amicable relationships and understanding between divorced couples.</p>Faiz Aiman Fadhil Adzim 'Ainan Husnaa Muhammad SaifullahAzizah Mohd
Copyright (c) 2021 INSLA E-Proceedings
2021-02-162021-02-16411123صحة النكاح بالتقنيات المعاصرة عبر تيليكو فرانس في جائحة كوفيد-١٩
<p>The COVID-19 pandemic has spread across the world. The pandemic causes humans to reduce their direct interaction. People during this pandemic use the internet connected to contemporary electronic devices to fulfill their basic needs with greater intensity. This technology serves to solve problems of time, distance, and geographic boundaries. This technology also contributes to the development of interaction mechanisms or models that previously could only be done by meeting two people directly to carry out aqad. One of them is a marriage contract using teleconferencing or video calls made by some people during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper aims to determine the validity of the marriage contract which is carried out using teleconferencing technology. The method used is literature study by linking this issue with the facts that occur and how technology is applied in the context of this discussion. The effort in this study was carried out to make conclusions based on deepening the facts of the technology used by linking the opinions of the scholars regarding this issue. Basically the marriage contract occurs according to our understanding so far, namely the presence of both parties who carry out the contract, or who represent both or one of the two. Then the consent and qabul were carried out by the presence of two witnesses and being able to identify with certainty the two parties who made the contract in one council. Whereas if the contract occurs through teleconference which does not collect the contract actors and witnesses, then basically the contract is prohibited which results in the invalidity of the marriage contract that occurs. This is because this case is built on the basis of dhan (mere allegation) and is not a sure thing, because a process like this can be entered into by falsification and fraud through applications that can change sounds and images, as well as sometimes it is sometimes difficult to detect the perpetrators of the contract. Whereas if one of the actors of the contract is in a special situation that prevents him/her from attending, whereas previously there has been an agreement between the two parties where the guardian and the witness have seen the details of the groom and at the time of the teleconference, they can identify him/her with certainty without any doubt, then in this situation marriage by means of teleconferencing is permitted and legally valid. Teleconferencing is a tool. The Ushul rule states that the law of the tool or facility follows the basic law. If the facility fulfills the pillars and conditions, then the marriage contract is valid, otherwise the marriage is invalid.</p>Muhammad Azwar KamaruddinArmanHarry Budi Santoso
Copyright (c) 2021 INSLA E-Proceedings
2021-05-292021-05-29412431Darjah Pembuktian Bagi Kesalahan Hudud Di Bawah Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Di Malaysia: Yaqin Atau Zan Al-Ghalib?
<p><strong>Abstract in English:</strong></p> <p>Fair sentence calls for credible evidence and proof. Discussion on evidence always revolves on burden and standard of proof. Standard of proof is important in every Syariah criminal trial because the accurate adoption of standard of proof guarantees dispensation ultimate justice. Failure to adopt the correct standard of proof will cause injustice to the parties involved. This article is intended to examine the standard of proof aspect in relation to hudud offences under syariah law and analyse that aspect under the syariah criminal jurisdiction in this country. This research also intends to propose few identified solutions to the issue at hand. This research stands on qualitative legal research methodology. The data and information are obtained through interviews and documentations of reported and unreported cases. Subsequently all data are analysed through the critical content analysis methodology. The research outcome indicates that there are loopholes in the law relating to standard of proof applicable to criminal syariah offences in this country. Hence there are two approaches adopted, either <em>yaqin</em> or <em>zan al-Ghalib</em>. The different approaches are results of incoherent treatment towards the status of hudud offence under the present law, whether it shall remain as hudud offences or be treated as <em>takzir</em>. The differing view crystalizes a presence of inconsistent thoughts and practices. Therefore, this research proposes to adopt <em>zan al-Ghalib</em> as the standard of proof for hudud offences under the Syariah Criminal Enactments in this country to ensure integrated thoughts and uniform practice.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Abstract in Bahasa Malaysia:</strong></p> <p>Hukuman yang adil memerlukan kepada pembuktian dan keterangan yang kukuh. Perbincangan berhubung pembuktian adalah tidak lari daripada menyentuh aspek beban dan darjah pembuktian. Darjah pembuktian amat penting dalam sesuatu perbicaraan kes jenayah syariah kerana pemakaian terhadap darjah pembuktian yang tepat menjamin keadilan yang sebenar. Kegagalan menggunapakai darjah pembuktian yang diperlukan boleh mengakibatkan berlakunya ketidakadilan kepada pihak-pihak yang terlibat. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji aspek darjah pembuktian berkaitan kes-kesalahan hudud menurut hukum syarak seterusnya menganalisis aspek tersebut di bawah bidang kuasa jenayah syariah di negara ini. Kajian ini juga berhasrat mengemukakan cadangan penyelesaian terhadap isu yang dikenalpasti. Kajian ini berdiri di atas kerangka kajian perundangan secara kualitatif. Data serta maklumat diperolehi melalui temu bual dan dokumentasi termasuklah kes-kes yang dilaporkan dan tidak dilaporkan. Kesemua data kemudiannya dianalisis menerusi metodologi analisis kandungan secara kritis. Hasil kajian mendapati wujud kelompangan undang-undang berkaitan darjah pembuktian kes jenayah syariah di negara ini. Oleh yang demikian, terdapat dua pendekatan yang telah digunakan iaitu sama ada menerusi pemakaian <em>yaqin</em> atau <em>zan al-Ghalib</em>. Perbezaan pandangan ini terhasil berikutan pendapat yang diberikan sama ada kesalahan hudud di bawah undang-undang sedia ada kekal merupakan kesalahan hudud atau di bawah kesalahan takzir. Perbezaan pandangan ini menunjukkan kepada pandangan dan amalan yang tidak seragam. Justeru, penulisan ini mencadangkan agar pemakaian <em>zan al-Ghalib</em> sebagai darjah pembuktian bagi kes-kesalahan hudud di bawah Enakmen Jenayah Syariah di negara ini sekaligus perbezaan pandangan yang berlaku dapat dimuktamadkan dan diseragamkan.</p>Suhaizad Saifuddin
Copyright (c) 2021 INSLA E-Proceedings
2021-06-022021-06-02413241Konsep Hukuman Sebat Menurut Hukum Syarak Dan Undang-Undang Islam Di Negeri Johor
<p><strong>Abstract in English:</strong></p> <p>Whipping is a form of punishment that has its own meaning. Provisions of Islamic law related to whipping have been stated in the Syariah Criminal Offenses Enactment 1997 and the Syariah Criminal Procedure (State of Johor) Enactment 2003. This paper aims to discuss the definition of whipping according to Islamic and legal perspectives. This discussion focuses on whipping based on the Quran, al-Hadith and the views of the fuqaha' as well as sharia criminal law in the State of Johor. The methodology used in this study is a literature review that is the analysis of documents such as the Quran, al-Hadith, books and articles, journals and related laws. The results of the study found that there is the concept of whipping in Islamic law and the views of the fuqaha as well as Islamic criminal law in Islamic courts in the state of Johor.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Abstract in Bahasa Malaysia:</strong></p> <p>Hukuman sebat adalah salah satu bentuk hukuman yang mempunyai pengertian yang tersendiri. Peruntukan perundangan Islam berkaitan hukuman sebat telah dinyatakan di dalam Enakmen Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah 1997 dan Enakmen Tatacara Jenayah Syariah (Negeri Johor) 2003. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan membincangkan definisi sebat menurut perspektif Islam dan undang-undang. Perbincangan ini memfokuskan kepada hukuman sebat berdasarkan al-Quran, al-Hadith dan pandangan para fuqaha’ serta undang-undang jenayah syariah di Negeri Johor. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah kajian kepustakaan iaitu analisis dokumen seperti al-Quran, al-Hadith, kitab-kitab dan artikel-artikel jurnal, serta undang-undang yang berkaitan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat konsep sebat dalam hukum syarak dan pandangan para fuqaha serta undang-undang jenayah syariah di mahkamah syariah di negeri Johor.</p>Mohd Rafi Mohd SanusiNasrul Hisyam Nor Muhamad
Copyright (c) 2021 INSLA E-Proceedings
2021-06-192021-06-19414256An Alternative Path to Prosperity: A Critical Discourse on Islamic Thought in Reformation Era
<p>This study is mainly based on concerns on the division in Islamic studies, especially the progress of Islamic thought in one side and the process of political democracy on the other side. In addition, there are limited sources which discuss the roles and contributions of Islam. Statesmanship by far is narrowly discussed in formulating typologies and dominantly conducted from cultural and security approaches. These approaches create ambiguous indicator on Islamic thoughts, and they lead to creating terminologies, like, moderate Islam or radical Islam. Studies conducted under these approaches tend to reduce and simplify thoughts’ complexity and dynamics in Islam. In order to understand the dynamics of Islamic thoughts and statesmanship in post-New Order era, an analysis needs to be administered in nationwide and worldwide contexts according to problem complexities. This study tries to explain the logical processes on Islamic thoughts among FPI, MMI, and HTI in responding political and process of democracy in Reformation era. Furthermore, the study aims to explain the underlying reasons among FPI, MMI, and HTI in offering Islamic thoughts which mainly rely on formal-legal sharia. Framework used in this study aims to integrate internal-cultural-theological and political viewpoints to socio- historical perspective with economic-politics analysis. In this sense, state fully realizes that its citizens deserve their roles and rights in contemporary way. Idea on implementing Islamic state is a discursive strategy, response, and resistance movement to state’s authoritarian system and manipulative conducts in politics, social, and economic. The results indicate that FPI, MMI, and HTI find it essential that state and day-to-day life are in Islamic teachings’ corridor. Furthermore, the thought is one of the few options available in preparing for a prospective change. In the context of changing relation between citizens and state in post New Order era, responses appeared along the process become parts of Indonesian Muslims’ dynamics and principles in realizing their rights, in the midst of democracy waves</p>YusdaniJanuariansyah ArfaizarMuh Rizki
Copyright (c) 2021 INSLA E-Proceedings
2021-06-192021-06-19415766Systematic Literature Review of Forensic Science and Al-Qarinah in Prominent Shariah Literature
<p>Islamic law truly recognizes and appreciates the existence of science. This article explored the existence of forensic science elements in prominent shariah literature. The elements were existed to be integrated with the principles of evidence in Islam. Based on the reviews, prominent scholars views in <em>al-qarīnah</em> can best be organised under the three themes namely; the admissibility of <em>al-qarīnah</em> on civil, <em>ta‘zīr</em>, and <em>ḥudūd</em> cases. In fact, that there are several literatures found to highlight the forensic science elements, but the discussion was very limited and unorganised. It is evident that the assimilation between science and Islam existed through the integration of forensic science and <em>al-qarinah</em>. These findings can become the foundation of further theory of forensic science admissibility in Islamic law. This study suggests more research to be conducted within a wider scope to explore more in this field.</p>Ahmad Syukran BaharuddinWan Abdul Fattah Wan IsmailLukman Abdul MutalibMuhammad Hazim AhmadLutfullah Saqib
Copyright (c) 2021 INSLA E-Proceedings
2021-01-312021-01-31416773The Mapping of COVID-19 As A National Security Issue
<p>COVID-19 triggered different countries national plans of actions worldwide whilst these measures affecting their citizens and residents presumably within the boundaries of rule of law. The ruling governments respectively responded by implementing diverse health and legal measures with the aims of curbing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. This ranges from the closures of identified public places, wearing of marks and hand sanitisers, quarantine, social distancing, banning overseas travel, banning interstate travel, allowing work from home and a mixed of miscellaneous measures. Malaysia legalised its prevention and enforcement measures mainly by virtue of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 (Act 342) together with its newly imposed COVID-19 regulations and the Police Act 1967 (Act 344). The social distancing measures and movement control order have emerged the be powerful measures in flattening the COVID-19 curve. The study attempts to unveil the understanding of COVID-19 as a national security matter with the projection and trajectory for the benefit of public health and national security simultaneously within the scope and limits of Malaysia’s public health measures and prevention of diseases, in maintaining security and public order. This paper then suggesting a projection of COVID-19 and other future health crisis or pandemic as national security issues thus legalising the health, security, or emergency measures, either improvement on the existing laws or moving towards a more dynamic form of law in line with future unforeseeable threat and intervention. The Australia and Italy COVID-19 related laws are scrutinised with the hope that this study will provide a deeper understanding and provide legal solutions enabling countries facing future emergency or crisis issues regarding health, political, social, economic type of threat that could in turn affect national security.</p> <p> </p>Noor Dzuhaidah OsmanFareed Mohd HassanAmalina Ahmad TajuddinMuhammad Nizam AwangNorman Zakiyy
Copyright (c) 2022 INSLA E-Proceedings